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8 Powerful Content Strategies For Generating 10X More Leads

What does every business want?

Leads on autopilot!

The best thing about content marketing is that it’s an entirely scalable way to generate leads. With the right strategies in place, you can be generating 10X more leads in the same amount of time. That’s right, spend less time working on your business, and more time working in your business to meet those revenue goals. We’ve listed 8 powerful content strategies, that can 10X your lead generation machine.

 1. Create a content calendar

A content calendar is a great way to plan and organize your lead generation efforts.

By creating a calendar, you can map out what content you need to create, when you need to create it, and how you’ll promote it.

Plus, a content calendar can help you track your progress and measure your results.

Online tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, and Canva, to name a few, help you create a content calendar.

You can also schedule posts on social media in advance, so you never miss an opportunity to engage and connect with your audience.

Keeping consistent allows your audience to come to recognize and trust you as an expert, and when you’re ready to sell, they’ll be ready to buy.


 2. Give away valuable information

If you want to generate more leads, you need to start creating content that is valuable to your target audience.

But what does that mean? It means knowing your audience and then providing them with the information they’re looking for.

Use a variety of mediums including blogs, articles, eBooks, white papers, podcasts and webinars to accomplish this goal.

They may experience a few quick wins from your free resources, and once they are ready to commit to their success, they will want to invest in your services and products.


 3. Run targeted ad campaigns

Targeted ad campaigns are a great way to generate leads. By targeting your ads to a specific audience, you can increase the chances that they’ll click through to your website or landing page.

Plus, you can use data from your campaign to further segment your audience and create even more targeted campaigns in the future.


 4. Run targeted organic campaigns

If you’re not ready to consider paid campaigns just yet, there is the long-term way to generate leads through organic strategies.

However, organic reach on social media is getting harder and harder to come by.

That’s why it’s important to run targeted organic campaigns that are laser-focused on your ideal customer.

By doing this, you will be able to reach more of your target audience and generate more leads. Keep in mind that this is a long-term game, so consistency is key to seeing results.


 5. Pay attention to high-Performing Content

Content is one of the most important tools in your lead generation arsenal.

By paying attention to what content is performing well, you can fine-tune your strategy and create even more powerful content that generates leads.

In order to do this, analyze your blog posts with a free tool like Google Analytics or Hotjar.

When looking at which blog posts have the highest number of page views, start by reviewing their titles and descriptions to see how they are different from other posts.

You might find that they are shorter than average or contain a particular keyword phrase more often than others.

Use these insights to increase the number of high-performing blog posts on your site by creating similar pieces and trying out new topics too!


 6. Consider each stage of the sales funnel

To generate more leads, you need to have a content strategy that covers all stages of the sales funnel.

That means creating content that speaks to each stage of the buyer’s journey, from awareness to decision.

Each stage has different goals and needs and requires different types of content for your prospects to be interested in your business.

It’s crucial to get this right and requires constant monitoring to evaluate and perfect each step of the sales process.


 7. Keep beta testing to improve results

Beta testing is a process whereby a product or service is released to a limited group of users in order to collect feedback and make improvements before releasing it to the general public.

This strategy can be used to improve lead generation by allowing you to test different content ideas and formats before rolling them out to your entire audience.

By doing so, you can make sure that your content is resonating with your target audience and generating the leads you want.


 8. Get help from an expert

When it comes to creating content that will generate leads, it’s important to consider your audience and what they’re looking for.

An expert can help you create a content strategy that resonates with your target market and provides them with the information they need to make a purchasing decision.

They’ll also help provide strategies on how to reach prospects who might not be actively searching for your product or service.

You can choose to hire an expert on payroll or work with a freelance consultant.

Regardless of which option you go with, this is a vital investment in your business and should not be taken lightly.

The key is finding someone who knows your industry well and is able to take what you have in mind and turn it into reality.


Here’s another article – Generate More Leads with My Proven Content Creation Checklist. This will help you fine-tune your content creation process for better results.

Vishal Dharamdas

I am a Digital Marketing Consultant with 10+ years of experience and my mission is to help small and medium-sized business owners create a magnetic social presence, build an engaged community and generate qualified leads for their business, with my proven content marketing strategies.

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